Information Forms (Hierarchy Name)


Getty AAT: Objects Facet


Visual and Verbal Communication (Hierarchy Name)


The Information Forms hierarchy contains descriptors for textual, graphic, and physical items whose primary and original purpose is to record or convey specific information. Not considered to be within the scope of the AAT are titles of particular texts, such as the Koran, and names of individual typefaces, such as Bembo.Relation to Other Hierarchies: Descriptors for two- and three-dimensional works created to communicate primarily visually, especially to communicate expressive meaning rather than specific information, appear in the Visual Works hierarchy (e.g., "still lifes"). Types of print used primarily to reproduce documents and technical drawings (e.g., "blueprints") which, though produced by light-sensitive processes are not considered photographs, appear here, while photographs and photomechanical prints are found in Visual Works. Descriptors for many types of financial document are found here, while items that specifically are used in the exchange of goods or services or in the settlement of debts are found in the Exchange Media hierarchy.


URI original del concepto

Otros términos

  • Informatievormen [nl]
  • Formes d'information [fr]
  • formas de información [es]