Matte paintings

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

  1. <rdf:RDF>

    1. <skos:Concept rdf:about="">

      1. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">matte paintings</skos:prefLabel>

      2. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">matte painting</skos:altLabel>

      3. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">paintings, matte</skos:altLabel>

      4. <skos:broader rdf:resource="" />
      5. <skos:note xml:lang="en">Large paintings used as mattes in motion picture special effects. The paintings are most often false backgrounds, foregrounds, or scenery in general, and are later composited with other visual elements.</skos:note>

      6. <skos:notation>300310084</skos:notation>

      7. <skos:inScheme rdf:resource="" />

