Canis lupus (espèce)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

  1. <rdf:RDF>

    1. <skos:Concept rdf:about="">

      1. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="fr">Canis lupus (espèce)</skos:prefLabel>

      2. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="la">Canis lupus (species)</skos:prefLabel>

      3. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">Canis lupus (species)</skos:prefLabel>

      4. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">gray wolf</skos:altLabel>

      5. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">gray wolves</skos:altLabel>

      6. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">grey wolves (species)</skos:altLabel>

      7. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">grey wolf (species)</skos:altLabel>

      8. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">timber wolf (species)</skos:altLabel>

      9. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="fr">loups gris (species)</skos:altLabel>

      10. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="fr">loup gris (species)</skos:altLabel>

      11. <skos:broader rdf:resource="" />
      12. <skos:note xml:lang="en">The best-known of the three species of wild doglike carnivores known as wolves. It is the largest nondomestic member of the dog family (Canidae) and inhabits vast areas of the Northern Hemisphere. It once ranged over all of North America from Alaska and Arctic Canada southward to central Mexico and throughout Europe and Asia above 20 degrees N latitude. There are at least five subspecies of gray wolf. It was formerly thought that domestic dogs were descended from gray wolves, but new research suggests that instead both the wolf and dogs had a common ancestor. Pervasive in human mythology, folklore, and language, the gray wolf has had an impact on the human imagination in mythology, legends, literature, and art.</skos:note>

      13. <skos:notation>300265715</skos:notation>

      14. <skos:inScheme rdf:resource="" />

