Bellas artes

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  1. <rdf:RDF>

    1. <skos:Concept rdf:about="">

      1. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">fine arts</skos:prefLabel>

      2. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="nl">schone kunsten</skos:prefLabel>

      3. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="fr">beaux-arts (fine arts)</skos:prefLabel>

      4. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="de">bildende Künste</skos:prefLabel>

      5. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="it">belle arti</skos:prefLabel>

      6. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="es">bellas artes</skos:prefLabel>

      7. <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="sv">sköna konster</skos:prefLabel>

      8. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">fine art</skos:altLabel>

      9. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="en">arts, fine</skos:altLabel>

      10. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="nl">schone kunst</skos:altLabel>

      11. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="de">schöne Künste</skos:altLabel>

      12. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="es">Bellas Artes</skos:altLabel>

      13. <skos:altLabel xml:lang="es">Arte Bella</skos:altLabel>

      14. <skos:broader rdf:resource="" />
      15. <skos:note xml:lang="en">Physical objects that are that are meant to be perceived primarily through the sense of sight, are of high quality, requiring refined skill in creation, and typically using the media of painting, drawing, or sculpture. It may also refer to architecture and design. Although there is overlap, fine art is generally distinguished from other art forms based on the media, extent of skill, and the level of formal training required. It is distinct from "decorative arts" in that the fine arts are art in which the aesthetic or intellectual expression is more prominent than the utilitarian purpose. It is distinct from "crafts," which are handiworks of media such as ceramics, glass, needlework, or any medium other than painting, drawing, sculpture, or architecture. It is also distinct from "commercial art," which is created to serve commerce such as in advertisements or illustration. On the other hand, the term "fine arts" may be used in a broader sense, to include the arts of poetry, music, and filmmaking.</skos:note>

      16. <skos:note xml:lang="es">Se refiere a un arte de alta calidad que requiere destrezas refinadas para su creación, que típicamente emplea las técnicas de pintura, dibujo o escultura. También puede referirse a la arquitectura y el diseño. En un sentido amplio, el término también incluye el arte de la poesía, la música y la realización cinematográfica. Difiere de "artes decorativas" en el sentido que en las bellas artes son más importantes las poseen expresiones estéticas e intelectuales que las de propósito utilitario.</skos:note>

      17. <skos:note xml:lang="nl">Verwijst naar hoogwaardige kunst die verfijnde creatieve vaardigheden vereist. Meestal betreft het schilderkunst, tekeningen of beeldhouwkunst. Het kan ook verwijzen naar architectuur en vormgeving. In bredere zin wordt de term ook gebruikt voor dichtkunst, muziek en filmkunst. Het begrip onderscheidt zich van 'kunstnijverheid' omdat esthetische en intellectuele expressie in schone kunsten belangrijker zijn dan de gebruiksdoeleinden.</skos:note>

      18. <skos:notation>300054195</skos:notation>

      19. <skos:inScheme rdf:resource="" />

